
wp-1452140291807.jpgHey hey! I finally stopped being scared and got my ass to CrossFit this morning! Considering I spent the fall sitting and editing pictures and not working out, my body was not used to being tested and my conditioning was hard to find. But I was there, I kept up with the others and I didn’t die!!

I have to say my eating has been a lot better this week and I am fucking proud of myself for it! There has been temptation and I have ignored it. I pre-made food for the week and I am loving it! The pre-made meals mean I have time to do my photography work and workout, which is what I wanted in the first place.

And to cap everything off, I went for my mile walk this afternoon in the rain because I didn’t want to lose a day on my 90 miles in 90 days. At the start of the walk I felt the inclination to jog, but I reigned it in because I had done crossfit this morning and I didn’t want to kill myself.

Hopefully tomorrow won’t be super sucky for my body, but uh, it probably will be.