Change #2: Food

So here is the struggle: I adopted full-paleo at the beginning of the year by doing a Whole 30. It worked really well, I lost weight and I was feeling like a shooting star—full of life and energy. Then after it I slowly saw myself going back to sugar {of course, you tricky vixen} and … Continue reading


I have almost been at an epic weight for almost 8 weeks. My weight has not budged for the entire time to get me to this weight, the lowest I will have been since I was a teen. So I made a decision–I broke up with the scale. It’s not going to be for forever, I … Continue reading

Sickness SUCKS

It leads to me analyzing everything about my fitness and eating. I am the ultimate over-analyzer, which means I have been dissecting what I have been doing, looking at how I eat, workout and how I determine my success. Here is what I am pondering: I am considering training for a marathon. Why? Many reasons … Continue reading

6 Weeks Later…RESULTS

Today was the big day, I went to my boot camp and got weighed and measured. As per normal, my body has done whatever it can to hold onto my body weight. It’s actually ridiculous at this point. I work out four to five days a week, and in six weeks I lost 1.4 pounds. Ha ha … Continue reading


I have been struggling for the past three weeks. It’s all explainable and it’s not like I am giving up, but it has been a tough time exercise and diet-wise. The week before the big day had three major events that were poor for me diet-wise. Dinner at The Keg, me making a fattening dinner … Continue reading